I had an opportunity to speak with Clara Halper this morning.
She reports her and the children are as well as can be expected.
Yesterday's hearing caused the Judge to sign an order requesting the Somerset County Sheriff's department to remove her possession rights at noon.
The court has allowed once possession rights have been formally removed, they may return for any items they have not cleared out under the watchful eye of the seizing agency.
She told me that tonight in a club called The Bull, the band is dedicating all their songs to the family.
She is hoping tractors from other farms come out to the farm on Monday, July 17 th to continue the resistance and protest against the loss of land from eda.
Anyone interested in joining them should do so starting at 10 a.m.
I have a final copy of Missouri House Bill against ED for private gain on the web site for anyone who wishes a copy.
Have a good weekend.
PS:  Totally off track - I posted some interesting video to combat Long Branch's allegation that The Lighthouse Mission Church never had a church operating in the original location.  For those of you who do not know, we have a RLUIPA claim in the federal court since 2000. Our matter is on for the Fall in Philadelphia.  This of course is in addition to our action against EDA!  These clips Can be seen at http://www.lbnj.com/case

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