

You talk about Asbury Park being the last county to endorse Civil Rights and then go on to say:


“Racism is based in Ignorance, Fear and Hatred .... All of which those Leaders spew all over! The GLBT's and Hasidics can dominate HELL after they're done with Asbury Park & Die!”


I guess religion and sexual orientation are not protected by New Jersey’s Civil Rights Laws.  Oh, right, they actually are!  Do you even realize that your vocabulary and tone are as vile as what you claim to be true?


I do not believe Jesus Christ (never read a hateful word out of his mouth in the New Testament), Gandhi and Martin Luther King (both of whom have relatives speaking out today for gay rights), Thomas Jefferson(the big pusher of Separation between Church and State), and American Indians (referred to gays as “Two-Spirited” and often they were the tribe’s medicine men) would endorse your hateful views. 


Unlike you, I wish you a happy and healthy life and hope you are forgiven in the end.






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