
Church Wins Right to Continue, Expand Ministries

Upper Lake, CA—A church in Northern California recently overcame heated opposition from local residents to obtain a use permit to continue its outreaches to the community.

North Shore Christian Fellowship, located near scenic Clear Lake, has experienced rapid growth in recent years and needed more space to grow. After being unable to purchase new property, the church sought to remodel and improve its existing storefront location and applied for a major use permit from Lake County. The church encountered significant opposition based on the fact that the church focuses on reaching out to individuals who are struggling with addictions and trying to overcome troubled pasts. Some locals simply did not want what they called “socially peripheral” persons nearby. The church’s efforts to correct perceived problems and work with neighboring business owners were unavailing.

In the midst of the conflict, Pacific Justice Institute got involved. Working with local attorney Edwin Riddle, PJI advised the church and reminded the County of the church’s federal rights to use its property in accordance with its religious calling. The County eventually approved the permit, and the church has been able to continue its outreaches to individuals often overlooked by the community.

Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, stated, “We salute the fine work of our affiliate attorney, Edwin Riddle. Churches like North Shore Christian Fellowship are not only fulfilling a Biblical mandate, but are also filling a vital role in our society by addressing the root causes of addiction and poverty. We applaud these local officials for encouraging, rather than shutting down, these community heroes. When locals stand in the way of life-changing ministries, we stand ready to vigorously assert churches’ rights and keep their doors open for outreach.”

If your church or other faith-based organization needs assistance with a similar land use matter, PJI attorneys will gladly assist you without charge. Simply visit our website and send a request for assistance.
Please visit our website, www.pacificjustice.org , to respond to our poll question: Is your church actively involved with local outreach to the needy in your community?
The Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in
the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties.
P.O. Box 276600
Sacramento, CA 95827-6600
Phone: (916) 857-6900
Fax (916) 857-6902
Internet: www.pacificjustice.org

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