I never said anything about my political affiliation, color, nor race.

Typical liberal straw man tactics.  Keep drinking your Al Franken Kool-Aid.  You made an argument to a post I didn't create.

Behavior is what I was talking about.  People acting in in-human ways and what drives this behavior.

If you could dismiss your silly guilt and allow actual judgement into the picture, you could channel your energy into productive efforts.

On 7/23/06, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


It's probably a Total waste of time to try and convince a Conservative Republican of anything, because part of conservatism is that someone who is will NOT change their mind no matter HOW much evidence you give them!

Since you evidently are assuming that ALL People of Color are criminals, it's useless to try and convince any racist that there are MANY People of Color who work MANY hours per week at legitimate Jobs, yet you dismiss them as just "Not Counting"! In fact, approximately 80% of the minorities, excluding Seniors and the Disabled ARE working in Asbury!  But they can't CUT it even when working, hence most are now in "Overcrowded" Housing. That then makes them easy pray and targets for Code Enforcement, just one more way to enact sleazy Racism to get them OUT of town! Don't get me wrong, in MANY cases there's a legitimate reason for code enforcement to crack down! The Biggest is in the case of Slum Lords!


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