Why should super Wealthy People get away with paying 1/10 the percentage of Tax on their Assets and Earnings that everyone else does?

That's part of the problem both in NJ, and Nationally!  Corporations, big ones, were paying almost NO Tax at all until McGreevey plugged a loop hole on it (NJ Tax). 

People like Bill Gates pay NO Tax on 90% of his Income, because he took Stock Options!  Then before he dies, he rolls everything over to his kids with almost no taxes being paid!

Don't give People the false Idea that the Rich PAY their Share ........They do NOT!

Do an across the Board 10% on Everyone, and we'll increase Federal and State Revenues by over 50%!

Meanwhile, let people have Rents based on what they can afford!  How about People under $100,000 paying a percentage of the Income as Rent?  That's the way HUD Senior Buildings work, and overall, the Social Security System is the BEST Retirement & Disability System in the World ... But Bush buddy wants to destroy it!


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, MarioAPNJ@ wrote:
> >
> > On Rent Control: from "the most important liberal political
> columnist in
> > America." (See below.)
> >
> I have over 26 years experience in NYC real estate. Rent regulations
> has for years limited the amount of rental residential development. It
> is only since there has been luxury decontrol over the past decade that
> some rental development was seen. Prior decontrol was in the form of
> cooperative conversion. Market rents are higher (universally) in
> communities with rent regulations than in those that do not have such
> regulation. Rent regulations are another form of the taking of private
> property rights. Why should one class of property owners pay the price
> for others? Let society pay as a whole - let the government pay
> subsidies to the landlords for the eligible tenants.

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