--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"You said " In addition, there is emergency housing currently available  in multiple locations in Asbury Park.  To my knowledge there's NO Emergency Housing of any type for single  males in Asbury Park. You called me on Sources, now please kindly inform  me of the Addresses of this "Emergency Housing, and the Programs that  run them, would you please?"

I'll get the info and post it over the next 24-36 hours.

"As far as school children, no school that I'm aware of opens before 8 AM, and since the furthest distance is a Mile to travel in Asbury, that's a 5 minute trip! The buses that pick up school kids at my  apartment come at 8 AM. By then, where ever the People are going, they'll be there!"

You assume everyone has someplace to go.  Many do not and either sit or wander about.
How old are those kids that go to school at 8 AM?  Does the high school start earlier? 

"Gay marriage isn't Legal yet in NJ, although I'm rooting for it. So how  can you have a " legally-married-husband is a Hispanic immigrant? " If  you were married in Massachusetts, it's not legal in NJ, yet."

Massachusetts wed and my state pension recognizes my marriage.  It also recognizes Canada, Spain, and other countries.

"Cher didn't start the original Operation Helmet, a Family with a son in Iraq from out West did! Either Cher's a spokeswoman, contributor, or  it's a clone program!"

Please read my posting more carefully - I never said Cher started Operation Helmut.  I said she donated and helps raise money for it.  Thus she is both a spokeperson and a contributor.

" Once again, to do Background checks is Illegal, since it's against the  People's rights. Dave can't change that if he wants. Fort Monmouth is a military base, so they can use provisions under Homeland Security to do it."

According to what laws?  Federal? State? Local? 
Ohio performs background checks (SOURCE: http://burr.kent.edu/spr06stories/homeless.html). 
Wisconsin performs background checks (SOURCE: http://www.madison.com/communities/ihn/pages/danecountykids.php?php_page_set=0). 
Maryland performs background checks (SOURCE: http://www.hocmc.org/DaleDrive.htm).
Kentucy performs background checks (SOURCE: http://plfo.org/advocate/volume_3_issue_3/boulware_sets_sights/)
Florida performs background checks (SOURCE: http://www.pathofcitrus.org/History.htm)
New Jersey performs background checks - "New Jersey law requires the publicly funded shelter to do a background check to determine a person's reasons for being homeless, last place of residence and other background information. Prospective residents are told they could be turned over to police if they're being sought by authorities. "  (SOURCE: http://www.thedailyjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050503/NEWS01/505030319/1002).

"I believe that it is also illegal to turn away Gays, due to Federal law, so that's another smoke screen excuse for doing Dirty Work to discriminate against People down on their luck!"

Federal Discrimiation Laws do not protect sexual orientation.  If you find a Federal law that says otherwise, please let myself, the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and the HRC know when you do.

" Oh, and if you want to discuss what these People have lived through with  a Police Officer IN Asbury Park, who knows what has happened HERE over  40-50 years, go and talk with Lt. George Corbin. He's one of the best around!"

I have spoken with AP police officers but they cannot speak on the impact of the proposed shelter since they have not experienced it like the Morristown PD has.

"And that area is zoned Industrial Commercial, NOT residential or small  business! It has been for many years!"

Please consult the zoning map.  The  Mission would be  less than 200 feet from residental zone and a block from Main Street.

"See you at the Grand Opening in September?"

Alas, I will be working but thank you for the offer.  if SUFA is successful, I will extend the same invitation.


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