In reference to the following comments:

I only mentioned the Hasidic Factor, not to knock them as people, or religiously, but they DO run Projects like Redevelopments as a Group, and virtually take over whole Cities, such as Lakewood!

In addition, Jews are also one of the ONLY Religious Groups who are also know as a Nationality or Ethnic Group under the same category as their religion! they're also excessively Hypersensitive, and react when an Irish, or Italian or Polish person wouldn't have the same type of reaction, and in fact, wouldn't even be insulted.

Bottom line, the truth, is that the Fishmans' ARE forcing the Blacks out, and Larry Fishman admitted it to me....
For what it's worth:
When I want some insight about what it's like living in the United States for a person of color. I'll turn to someone with major credibility: Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance: Books: Barack Obama  .
For me, Obama's credibility comes, in part, from his willingness to say he “felt a pang of shame” after using offending words about race and faith:   Lexington | Faith, race and Barack Obama |  and Street Prophets: Interview With Barack Obama .
His credibility comes from his avoidance both of mudslinging and standard political pap:  "Go into any inner city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can't teach our kids to learn - they know that parents have to teach, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. They know those things."  - Barack Obama's Keynote Speech - The U.S. Constitution Online -  .
When I want to learn more about our historical indifference to poverty, I'd prefer someone who is not only outspoken but also articulate and rational:  Senator Barack Obama Condemns White House Indifference to Poverty  .
When I think I may be overreacting when I hear anti-Semitic rhetoric coming from those who claim to be on the left, I am reminded that Nazism in Germany masqueraded under the misleading name of National Socialism.  Thanks to Orwell again for warning us how easy it is for the polar opposites of extreme left and extreme right to become one intolerant whole.
Cordiali saluti,

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