
There is a tradition of writing with  a pseudonym in this country, most 
famously being the Federalist  Papers.

But consider also:
from    _E-mail Etiquette  @ Message Board and Forums Tips_ 
 What about my right to "free speech" to say whatever I want where ever I  
want? Use of any site or message board is not a right! To participate, you will 
be asked to follow a few simple rules. The "freedom of speech" guaranteed by 
the  U.S. Constitution that folks so willingly throw around many times to 
justify  their poor behavior, only protects you from governmental intervention 
your  right to express yourself -- it does not give you free reign to use 
computer  resources, paid for by others, against the wishes of their owner. 

========Original Message========     Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Rev Kev going to 
HELL!!!  Date: 12/7/2006 8:08:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (   Sent on:    


Generally yes, an offered reward becomes a contract enforceable  by the 
peroson who performs the action called for by the offering  party.

Be that as it may, I find the hunt to out Rolemover less than OK.  The 
Courts even recognize a person's right to post with a pseudonym  
because of a fear of reprisals. 

There is a tradition of writing with  a pseudonym in this country, most 
famously being the Federalist  Papers.

To go after him to out him is on the order of harassing a  
whistleblower or tampering with a witness.

If he or anyone else  commits an act of defamation, then that's 
different, and thier identity can  be discovered by a subpeona to Yahoo 
after a lawsuit is filed.

I  expect most of the board to disagree, but short of defamation, I'd 
like to  respect people who wish for their identity to remain private.

Not saying  anyone else has to agree with me.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ,  
"theshortsalepro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ,  
"rolemover" <rolemover@> wrote:
> >
> > im offering  $1000.00 to see your credentials you fraud!!!
> RevKev, as you  know, I work with a non profit charitable and 
> educational organization,  [501c3] too. Funding is scarce. If 
> is being offered by  rolemover, I think we should accept that offer. 
> Perhaps the board's  resident attorney can offer an opinion as to 
> whether the offer made by  rolemover is valid and if it were accepted 
> and proof provided, could  the promise of payment be enforced. If we 
> prevail, I'll gladly accept  the $1,000 as a contribution, and then 
> write a check to your  organization for $500.


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