"wow no woooow what happened to that post about every one being 
 positive, and nice for a while, myself and hinge have had 
 disagreements, but you jumped all over him,  i believe his posts are 
 fairly accurate, and as far as your look for a fix in the next few 
 days, well put up your money im willing to bet you the bounty on 
 rollmovers head or rev kevs credentials your wrong,  and to hinge as 
 far as community cleanups etc, hazel samuels at city hall does 
 several a year they even had a program where someone could adopt a 
 lot or piece of property, clean it and public maint. would pick up 
 the rubbage."

i road by this afternoon, i see paved ramped aroudn each man hole cover.   the 
ramps that you said didnt exist the other day.   the idea that some people need 
to pick apart everything is rediculous.   your tellling me, jack, you seriously 
think because the lines were painted on the streets that work is done?? and 
they wont pave over the road again?  youve got tobe kidding.  thats probably 
the most abusrd thing ive ever heard.   maybe becasue after the roads were 
done, it looks like a vast empty space.  no one has any idea how the roads were 
sopose to be used.   before the lines were painted, you had cars paralell 
parking on ocean ave.  now that the lines are there, the design of the road 
makes more sence, and people can clearly see whats goning on.  im not being 
mean, or unfair to others comments. im simply posting my comments, and response 
back.  im not the type like some others on this board who feel its ok to battle 
back and forth over absurd things.  hindge, my spelling
 (fast typing, in a hurry, typos)  have nothing to do with anything.  why would 
anyone even bring that up?  to cause more reasons to fight back?  is that the 
way this world works.  someone always has to have the last word?  or to add to 
something, just to feul an un needed fire??

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