As a retired administrator for the NYC school system, I found that the K-8  
model was preferable since the parents and teachers got to know one another for 
 a much longer time.  In this situation, the students tended to act out less  
since the principal knew each of the names of the students and had a closer  
relationship with each of the parents.   The test scores were also  much 
higher for students in grades 5-8 in a K-8 setting.  Until reading and  math 
improve in Asbury Park, many middle class parents, especially black  middle 
class parents, will continue to send their studious children to private  
schools. I think that a mixture of needy families along with middle class  
working together is what is needed to give us a well needed turn around  in 
our schools. Since the number of students in Asbury Park schools is not that  
large, it should not be that difficult to place test prep programs in the  
schools during the school day.  In addition, students in risk of academic  
should attend math and reading boot camp after school, on Saturdays and  
during the vacation periods.  If these programs can work in the poorest  
schools in 
the South Bronx, they most certainly can work in Asbury Park. As a  result in 
the reading and math score improvement in the South Bronx, students  felt 
more confident and better about themselves and saw educational success as  an 
alternative to gang membership. The other thing that we did in the South  Bronx 
was to bring in successful role models of color, other than rap stars and  
sports stars for the students to identify with and aspire to. We brought in  
superintendents, politicians and other successful businessmen of color for  
the students see, hear and relate with. The message was that today more than  
ever there are more high level job opportunities  for students of color who  
have succeeded in school.  The message that we instilled upon the students  is 
that there is hope.

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