
Please do not get discouraged...It is exactly what the gang bangers,
dealers, pimps, hoes, johns and litterbugs want and I for one will not let
them win.

When I first moved here 5+ years ago some things were better, some WAY

The police force now is stellar in comparison to what it was and only
getting better and they need our support in every way. KEEP CALLING, even if
it's 20 times a day.

Once the DelMonte is closed now that the partners own it, the amount of
transient people on your corner will decrease.
The house next to you is nearing completion and will be owner occupied and
eventually the apartments next to that will be taken over by the developers
also as they are included in the zone from what I understand.

When I get angry/overwhelmed (sometimes daily) I think of a woman who used
to live in the 300 block of Asbury Ave before it was razed. She became my
good friend. Her name is Lillian, she is in her 80's and I used to see her
EVERY DAY, no matter the weather, she would walk with her cart from her
apartment to the stores on Main and Memorial. The whole way there she picked
up trash and when she got to market she would empty the trash and get her
groceries. She attributed her good health and flexibility to her daily
routine. So instead of getting angry, I bend down, pick it up and think of

I hope this helps to point your passion in a positive direction.

Asbury Ave

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