Clare McDowell writes for the Asbury Park Press.  She has a blog on
their website.  Below is a recent post she did about Asbury Park,
follwed by three comments left by people who visited her blog:
Wednesday, December 27, 2006  Should I stay or should I go now?   
Recent shootings in Long Branch, Neptune and Asbury Park has prompted
discussions about guns, drugs and gangs, none of which end at the
borders of those municipalities. I've been involved in a few
conversations about what effect this has, particularly in Asbury's case,
on businesses and real estate redevelopment. Are people nervous about
going into Asbury?

My husband and I went to the Market in the Middle restaurant for our
anniversary this summer, and we strolled around Cookman Avenue that
night, checking out the new businesses, the new townhouses going up, the
very cool-looking apartments. We spoke about coming back and checking
out the other restaurants, although our calendar, and our budget,
haven't allowed that.

Would the shootings keep us from returning? I don't think so. But we all
waffle a little bit. I know people who absolutely don't want to go into
Asbury right now, others who say they have no problems with the city but
might think twice if they were taking their kids, and others who say any
violence is the "gang-on-gang" type or drug related, and if you're out
shopping or dining, you've got nothing to worry about.

If the violence continues, can Asbury be fully revitalized?
posted by Clare McDowell at 1:47 PM
  3 Comments:  Anonymous said...
"Recent shootings in Long Branch, Neptune and Asbury Park has prompted
discussions about guns, drugs and gangs, none of which end at the
borders of those municipalities." -- Clare McDowell

"If the violence continues, can Asbury be fully revitalized?" -- Clare

Far better, I believe, to ask why the violence and crime occurs in the
first place. To that end, which revitalization plan will deal with or
otherwise speak to the large number of children in Asbury Park that are
born to single-parent households?
12/29/2006 01:58:02 PM
8283315134>   Anonymous said...
No, of course Asbury Park can not and will not be fully revitalized.
They are simply
"revitalizing" a section adjacent to the ghetto. Much like the City
of New Brunswick where you can dine at the finest restaurants and see
live theatre productions - but you best make sure you know your way out
of town because even in broad daylight a ride down Joyce Kilmer Ave or
Commercial Ave can be
1/01/2007 10:17:41 PM
6178481354>   Anonymous said...
I say stay. Gangs evolve and grow in areas like Asbury Park becuase
these young adults are enticed to join them becuase they want to be
wanted. I am sure that most parents in Asbury Park make their children
feel wanted; but the gangs use peer pressure and gifts to lure the not
completely happy. It is not until they are members that the rivalry

Great things are happening in Asbury Park. I am not certain that the
Asbury Partners are on the right track, but they are laying the ground
work for an amazing future. Once there are jobs in Asbury Park and the
West Side families can once again provide completely for their children,
the gangs will fade.

Just my two cents. Believe in Asbury!
1/08/2007 06:33:47 PM
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Name:Clare McDowell
Clare McDowell, a lifelong Shore area resident, joined the Asbury Park
Press during her senior year at Seton Hall University. She's not saying
when that was, and she has hidden her personnel file. She was a
reporter, copy editor and Community section editor before joining the
editorial page staff in 2004. She grew up in Avon, attended St. Rose
High School and has lived in Ocean Grove and Neptune City. She and her
husband have four children, ages 3 to 15. Her interests include taking
her kids on outings, traveling, camping, running, swimming, boating,
Seton Hall basketball and the football Giants.

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