Very good observation - I missed it originally.  
My concern is that maybe it is intentional blight - as they did with the  
Casino - let it fall into horrible disrepair and not adress the small  
maintenance issues so that people forget how beautiful it once was and then a  
few years 
pass and no one is that concerned or questions the numbers when they  say the 
building is a total loss and will not be able to be saved....
In a message dated 3/30/2007 1:45:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

When I posted the note about the demolition at the Paramount Theatre I  
intentionally left out my commentary to see what discussion would turn  

I fear that everyone has missed the point. Its not about  whether it 
was the "real" entrance or not (it was not). Its not about  building a 
better entrance either.

The issue is, why spend  resources - time, money, manpower, 
reconstruction, etc on something that  was not needed.

The ConHall needs serious attention, the windows,  terra-cotta, 
structural steel, architectural metals, etc. The building is  
deteriorating and nothing is being done to halt that.

Instead a  functional, usable entrance is demolished. Doesn't that 
strike anyone as  being  irresponsible?


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