Pa. City Amends Zoning Ordinance to Remove Church Ban
The City Council of Titusville, Pa., about 100 miles  north of Pittsburgh, 
has voted to modify its zoning ordinance which had  originally banned churches 
from being located within the commercial  district. 
Tue, Jun. 05, 2007 Posted: 17:23:50 PM EST   
The City Council of Titusville, Pa., about 100 miles  north of Pittsburgh, 
has voted to modify its zoning ordinance which had  originally banned churches 
from being located within the commercial  district.

The decision last Tuesday was a result of a federal lawsuit  that was filed 
by Christian legal group Liberty Counsel on behalf of Lighthouse  Christian 
Center, noting that the “church-free” zone was violating the Religious  Land 
and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and the First and Fourteenth  

The Fourteenth Amendment states that "no State shall make or  enforce any law 
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of  the United 
States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or  property."

"We are pleased that local governments are getting the message  that churches 
are not second-class property owners,” commented Liberty Counsel  founder 
Mathew Staver, in a statement. “The First Amendment and federal law both  
that churches and houses of worship should receive equal, if not  
preferential, treatment to other similar zoning uses. Churches are not orphans  
to any 
zoning district."

According to Lighthouse staff, the local church  was in need of a location 
that could house its growing ministries, especially  their youth outreach. 
last summer, the ordinance had forced them to locate  themselves in a 
residential area which they report as having no sewer or running  water.

Once the religious center had outgrown the facility, it confirmed  a spot 
within Titusville’s C-1 commercial zone in July 2006. Tim Lorenz, a  building 
inspector and zoning officer for the city of Titusville, would not  allow the 
religious institution in the city, however, citing the “Codified  Ordinances of 

The city law only provided space for stores,  restaurants, offices, theaters, 
gas stations, hotels, clubs and other  nonreligious services.

Lighthouse attendants then had to move to another  temporary location outside 
the city that lacked heat and insulation. In  addition, the church’s target 
youth ministry demographic was inside the C-1  district.

"[The church was] in dire straits because this particular city  ordinance 
[had] essentially removed them from the city limits and they  [couldn’t] use 
property that was ideal for them,” explained Staver in  Cybercast News Service.

Lorenz clarified that he had nothing against  Lighthouse Christian Center, 
but that he was simply holding up the law, which  had been around since 1976.

"It is a pretty old ordinance, and what the  people who are responsible for 
writing the ordinance had in mind back then, I  have no idea," said the 
building inspector in defense of his position in  Cybercast News Service. "I am 
enforcing it as it is  written."

Following the lawsuit brought up by Liberty Counsel attorneys,  the city 
reached a settlement with the Christian litigation group where  officials 
to eliminate the discriminatory ordinance and amend its  policy.

Lighthouse Christian Center can now move into the commercial  district where 
members are planning their outreach, which includes a Christian  bookstore, 
television ministry, outreach to teens, and church services. The city  of 
Titusville also paid for attorney’s fees.

In addition to Lighthouse,  several other cities in the past have resolved 
the similar situations, including  a decision by the City Council of Washburn, 
Wis., which voted to repeal its  zoning ordinance to eliminate discriminatory 
restrictions on churches. The  ordinance prior to the vote in March prohibited 
any church from locating on  commercial property, even though the code 
permitted other nonreligious public  assemblies within the same commercial 
Church officials in that case  had also contacted Liberty Counsel for 
Doug Huntington 
Christian Post Reporter   

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