Another example of  thoughtful analysis regarding a complex issue.    In
response to an article about the closing of Camp La Guardia and the
effects of closing that shelter,  (Click here: Shelter Closes, Residents
Move on and Fortunes Diverge - New York Times
<>   ), the
president of "The Partnership for the Homeless" wrote this letter to the
editor.     Not what most might expect from that organization.
========================================================  Homeless in
New York (1 Letter)
To the Editor:

Re "Shelter Closes, Residents Move On and Fortunes Diverge"
(news article, June 12):

Camp La Guardia was always a sad symbol of our city's failed
strategy to deal with the systemic problems of homelessness. Its closing
couldn't happen soon enough. And while shelter still remains a
critical safety net, it's certainly no substitute for real,
long-term solutions that address root causes.

So we congratulate Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg for finally shutting down
this facility, which simply warehoused more than 1,000 men on any given
night, seemingly punishing them for being down on their luck or for
struggling with the challenges of mental health or other disabilities.

But let's make certain that the closing of this shelter is truly a
signal of change. For a mayor who rightly seeks to understand the
metrics of his strategies to assess their efficacy, success here should
be measured when we're able to show that for each shelter bed
eliminated we've taken that savings and created units of low-income
affordable housing.

Arnold S. Cohen, President & C.E.O.  The Partnership for the Homeless, 
New York, June 14, 2007 Click here: Homeless in New York (1 Letter) -
New York Times
========================================================== Not an
"either-or" issue.  Not bleeding hearts vs.cold hearted.  Not about
jerks vs knee-jerks.   According to Cohen, solving homelessness is more
about efficiency and accountability; more long-term goals rather than
seven night stays;  more about housing than warehousing; more like <>  than....
===========================================================   But I
could be wrong....

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