In a message dated 6/19/2007 11:18:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

So far  what  I've seen is the emergence of two languages that do not look  
like they have any plans to become one.  

Once again, I agree.  Makes me somewhat uncomfortable, as do the  burkas one 
sees more and more.  
I hope we don't get as nuts about this as the Quebecois and the Anglo  
Quebecers during the 1970s.  I think that's all quieted down now.  Not  sure 
I just don't see it as a critical issue as yet, relatively  speaking.  Media 
and bloggers love it, but are too emotional and anecdotal  to achieve any 
Someone's always moving the cheese.
I'd love to see some politicians lead the way in finding things we can  unite 
around.  A real "uniter," so to speak.

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