In a message dated 9/10/2007 8:50:54 P.M., [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Doesn't bother me at all.  I don't follow the "mainstream media"  
LOL!!!!!   Jack Cafferty is getting lots of play with his
anti-mainstream claim and his book It's Getting Ugly Out There,
published today:   "Anyone familiar with my daily 'Cafferty File'
segments on CNN's The Situation Room knows I'm not exactly what you'd
call the mainstream media's poster boy for feel-good news and
commentary. In your face is more like it."   "It's been a target-rich
seven years for someone like me who enjoys pushing people's buttons and
sticking pins in things that need pricking, from rich and fatuous
celebrities offering foreign policy analysis to the latest lying Beltway
blowhard impaling himself on his sword of pomposity."   Amazon: "Jack
Cafferty stands for common sense-the much-needed voice of reason who
skewers right-wing nut jobs  and liberal eggheads alike."  (U.D.: 
egghead - "what mrs humpty gives to mr dumpty.")    Click here: It's Getting Ugly Out There: The Frauds, Bunglers, Liars,
and Losers Who Are Hurting America: Books: J
Out today and already # 54 at Amazon.  I think his first book.   Book
jacket: He's an "equal-opportunity curmudgeon."

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