In a message dated 9/12/2007 7:29:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

OK, I  changed the subject to narrow this down. So, Hinge, et. al; how IS 
Asbury  Park? 
What's news?  I know that I'll get flack.. but isn't A.P. the  topic?  Have a 
great day,

You're right Glenn.  I learned  a while back that it's not cool to straytoo 
far  from the parameters  mentioned on this groups home page.  So, I try to 
avoid, subjects which are  absolutely off topic.  But when someone else 
introduces topics which  demonizes liberal/left/progressive/Democratic points 
of view, 
I feel compelled  to respond especially if the post is made by a non-resident 
of this town or  posts anonymously (or without a profile.  And even more so 
when the person  is a zealot.
And it was fun to be able to repeat  that moronic subject line over and over 
again in my responses  today.
When I moved here after college, I  intended it to be temporary; Asbury Park 
didn't look like it would  be exciting during winters, and I hoped to return 
back home where I could  see the NYC skyline from my bedroom windows.  
APHS got a last minute  grant, I heard about it from an agency and was hired 
a few days before  Labor Day..  The HS principal sent me to Corrubia's 
Restaurant (213  Lake) for a temporary motel room upstairs until I could find 
something for the  academic year.  The Corrubias were very friendly and as 
Italian as 
anyone I  knew in North Newark, so I moved into one of the two apartments 
with a great  view of the ferris wheel and the Mayfair Theater.
It was one of the Corrubias, Ida or  Jim, who told me I'd never leave.  
Something to the effect "Once you get  the sand between your a 
digger...., you'll never want to go  back to NNJ.  
As it turned out, they were  right.
Rook, give my love to  Ida.

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