Maybe it has to do with that study:
"Liberals More Likely Than Conservatives To Break From Habitual  Responses"
Take your pick as to the messenger of that study:
_Click  here: ucla liberal conservative nyu OR york - Google Search_ 
_Click  here: ucla liberal conservative nyu OR york - Google News_ 
Don't know how to do sound bites etc. on complex issues;  I prefer  
"academic" to "tedious"; OK and sometimes too esoteric for most.  But I'm  not 
to sponsors or advertisers, and don't mind if most prefer to hit  delete 
rather than read anything other than snippits.  
So be it.
The only call-in I can stand is C-Span's Washington Journal, usually  DVRed.  
The hosts remain neutral, and they alternate between three separate  call-in 
lines:  Dem, Pepub, and Independent.
Left and right radio, 27/7 TV news call ins sensationalize too much, and  
never really change anyone's mind -- 
So what's the point except to sell soap by telling people what they want to  
C-Span is more civil and more importantly more informative.  A private  
company providing a public service.  Ratings not important.  The  Public Air 
no longer belong to the public.
In a message dated 9/12/2007 8:36:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


I know you like to be tedious when it comes to facts, so  I wanted to 
point out to you that you may be misinterpreting what "Dottos"  means 
on Rush's show.

Not saying you are being sloppy; it's a very  common misconception.  
It's also a misconception that Rush feeds off  of and uses against 
his detractors, and I know you wouldn't like  that;-)

"Ditto" does not mean that you agree with Rush or any of his  views 
(but it is easy to see why someone who doesn't frequent his show  
would think that, considering the actual definition of the word  
Ditto).  Dittoheads does not refer to some army of people who think  
like Rush or praise him either.

Ditto is actually a matter of  procedure on his show, that was 
started by a caller, and Rush continued  it.  Again it isn't 
substance; its a procedure.

Have you ever  listened to a call in show (politics, sports, etc) and 
the callers usually  start out by saying "hello, how are you, love 
your show, keep up the good  work, thanks for taking my call, I 
listen to you alot, took forever for me  to get on, blah blah blah?"  
A lot of air time is wasted with that  kind of preamble.

One caller to Rush's show years ago started out  saying "Ditto to 
what the last guy said" and then made his  point.

Rush thought that since air-time is so valuable, rather than  waste 
time with the preliminaries, callers could get that out of the way  
by just starting with "Ditto" and getting right to the point.  It  
gives them more air-time. It leaves more time for debate, and gets  
more callers on the air.

Even those who are calling to disagree  with him are encouraged to 
just say Ditto and get to it.  It's  nothing more than a hello.

Thus, you will hear many callers say  "Dittos" or "Mega-Dittos!" when 
they first get on.  It's just  procedural.

Rush and fans of his show get a kick out of finding people  in the 
media who misinterpret what "Dittos" means.  They take it as  
confirmation that they are being knocked by someone who obviously  
never listens to the show.

For the record, I don't listen to any of  the radio shows that often, 
but I do read most of the books written by the  hosts.

Cordiali  saluti,


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