Wednesday October 11, 2006
The Guardian

The death toll among Iraqis as a result of the US-led invasion has now reached an estimated 655,000, a study in the Lancet medical journal reports today.

The figure for the number of deaths attributable to the conflict - which amounts to around 2.5% of the population - is at odds with figures cited by the US and UK governments and will cause a storm, but the Lancet says the work, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, has been examined and validated by four separate independent experts who all urged publication.

On Sep 14, 2007, at 10:26 PM, justifiedright wrote:


(Although that 655,000 number is a hoax, but I understand your

--- In, Jersey Shore John
> We've killed 655,000 Iraqis killed since the invasion, all in the
> name of oil.
> But kill a blastocyte!?! We just won't stand for that!!
> On Sep 14, 2007, at 7:55 PM, justifiedright wrote:
> > Just read on the AP Press website there were 3 shootings in AP.
> >
> > People were shot; BUT A DOG WAS KILLED!!!
> >
> > Now we'll see some action, baby! Ask Mike Vick what happends when
> > you kill a dog!
> >
> > I'm expecting blackhawk helicopters, national guardsman,
> > spies, the works!
> >
> > I got screamed at in Frank's Deli today by a guy over my Mike
> > column, who was really on me about dogs (he saw no irony in the
> > that he was eating a sliced up turkey at the time).
> >
> > Our society cares less and less about humans and more and more
> > animals. Leanard Lance of the Rams killed a woman in a DUI and
> > got another DUI ticket after that and got suspended a lousy 8
> > games. Watch what they do to Vick.
> >
> > We've killed 40 million teeny tiny defenseless little humans
> > 1972, all in the name of civil rights "progress."
> >
> > But kill a dog!?! We just won't stand for that!!
> >
> > Good grief.
> >
> >
> >

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