The only person making decisions at Fox is Roger Ailes. I worked with him when 
MSNBC was the "America is Talking or "Talk America" channel I don't recall the 
exact name of it. Roger rules with an iron fist. 
  America needs Fox for an opposing point of view. After spending 25 years at 
NBC you meet some of the most bleeding heart liberals you could ever come 
across. The reason that TV networks and stations are liberal in for the most 
part financial. They have to please the majority of their viewers because they 
"use the public airwaves". 
  Cable channels don't have the same regulatory restrictions and can say pretty 
much what they choose. If you don't like what you hear on one channel change 
the damned thing. 
  It is hurting the moral of the troops it's Vietnam all over again. If the 
Liberals had their way they would have American troops in Darfur. Where is the 
UN and other countries on the the Darfur issue? 
  What I find sort of humorous is that Allan Greenspan is saying Bush went to 
war with Iraq for oil. Is this really a revelation?  Americans think oil will 
always be there and there is no end to it. There are as many gas guzzlers on 
the road today as there has ever been.  
  To be honest I really don't care what a has been like Sally Fields has to 
say. The Flying Nun's opinion means nothing.

Kevin Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I recently heard but have not "confirmed" the following:

Fox News Channel executives sent out a letter to stockholders and 
other close to the vest people, saying they were considering 
the "anti war" rhetoric is hurting the moral of the troops and 
strengthening the moral of the Al Quiada recruitment.

They never said they were going to, but it sounded like they were 
planning to excersize executive broadcast policy to minimize any 
unsubstantiated "chatter" and "opinion" - they did emphasis they 
would not censor facts and news.

I am guessing Bill O'Rielly had a lot to do with it. I understand he 
has executive authority on the channel. (again, I am not certain)

"Sally Fields" most likely took an opportunity, that they did not 
approve of and decided to cut it! That would not surprise me.

The Media wars are gonna get louder than the war on terror.

--- In, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't believe it. Fox cuts off Sally Fields acceptance speech
> "If mothers ruled the world there wouldn't be an ---"
> Feed goes out. Fill in the blanks. " y goddamn wars" "Iraq War"
> Too coincidental. I am not the only one who noticed it. On YouTube 


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