
You should have someone that covers Asbury Park for the Press or Coaster try asking that question to public officials and get an official response. It certainly seems like a valid point. If you're going to throw someone in jail over a house, why not an abandoned hotel deemed in such poor shape that demolition is necessary.

We all know that people have "lived" in that hotel for years. I'd say that the Metropolitan Hotel has to be more of a public hazard than your place by any reasonable person.

On Sep 20, 2007, at 6:48 AM, wernerapnj wrote:

At last nights Coucil meeting it was announced that the Metropolitan
will be razed due to being an "eminent hazard" to the public.

It was placed on the Scattered Sites redevelopment plan and designated
for restorarion as a hotel. The owner, who for at least 10 years, has
done NOTHING to safeguard the building applied for a demolition permit.

Initially it was granted and then recinded due to the redevelopment

Now the City concedes that is is public danger due to structural
failure and has ORDERED it to be demolished.

In light of my recent incarceration for have an incompleted porch I
asked the following:

- How much jail has the owner been sentenced to for maintaining a
public hazard?
- How many summonses have been issued for code and maintainance
- How much in fines has the owners paid over the course of this?

NO ANSWERS to any of that. Assume 0,0,0 as the answers. I will find
out and am going to make it by business to see that there is equal


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