You're right.

I guess it's because of the way the city responded to the "body in the basement" that gets me, but the Judge is the person who should be held responsible mostly.

On Sep 20, 2007, at 1:24 PM, Paul Vail wrote:

Why is it that people are pointing fingers everywhere except at the
man who threw Werner in Jail. Judge Apostolou answers to no one. If
anyone has evidence to the contrary, they should put it out there.

--- In, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Gary Wien <lightgrw@> wrote:
> >
> > Werner,
> >
> > You should have someone that covers Asbury Park for the Press or
> > Coaster try asking that question to public officials and get an
> > official response. It certainly seems like a valid point. If
> > going to throw someone in jail over a house, why not an
> > hotel deemed in such poor shape that demolition is necessary.
> >
> > We all know that people have "lived" in that hotel for years.
> > say that the Metropolitan Hotel has to be more of a public
> > than your place by any reasonable person.
> >
> The city's answer will be that it was the judge and not it that
> Werner in the pokey.

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