In a message dated 10/8/2007 1:25:06 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

Bull.  You've done nothing but complain.  You took a half hearted shot a 
putting  together a group for aging gays. You were certainly "touting and 
on  your sleeve" when  you got your name in the paper for the idea. Mr. hero  
was going to help people for once in his life.  Did you follow through?  Show 
me the "paper trail" at your one promised shot at public service.  

"Nothing but complain" is an outright falsehood.  I've  suggested, commented, 
criticized, inquired, praised, reminisced, waxed  nostalgically, presented 
anecdotes, and complained.  But it is true that  the majority of posts across 
the board from everyone in most groups is comprised  of complaints.  Same at 
council meetings and BOE meetings.  What's  the ratio in your collective 
of complaints to  commendations?

Your research and sources are very limited and incomplete.  My  attempt to 
facilitate a local chapter of SAGE was a trial balloon; I made no  attempt to 
tout it; but Joe D'Andrea put in on his site.  I never  used "hero" in 
to myself, and I don't recall that it appeared any  where in any paper, 
certainly not at my request.  I didn't seek out any  publicity except through 
groups announcing months of meetings to  brainstorm ideas and discuss the 
need for a local group.  Like others who  attempted similar special interest 
groups, everything was put on hold until  there was a permanent home base for 
I probably could take some lessons in how to facilitate a local  franchise of 
a national group; however, as a teacher I don't need to prove to  anyone or 
to publish shoe boxes of grateful letters over the years about lives  I've 
positively impacted.  
My paper trail to help local charities and fund raising is none of  anyone's 
I am a professional whose domain has been the written word,  and I 
specialized in the use and misuse of words to promote ideas in the  media.  And 
I'm a 
johnny-come-lately to applying that expertise to  issues outside the classroom.
When asked on 60 Minutes why he continued to write, Bruce said  because he 
has the chutzpah to believe he can make a difference, an impact, with  what he 
writes.  I'm no lyricist, but I can hitch my wagon to that  concept.  
Similarly, finally, he and so many others have revived a quaint  old idea:  
That's it's 
a citizen's civic duty to speak up and challenge  ideas in the public square. 
 And with that territory I fully  expect the slime attacks that will be 
channeled through you.
To paraphrase John Milton then, "They also serve who write and  speak out to 
question and to challenge...."
You see fit to excoriate weekly: the Chamber of Commerce, Call for  the 
Resignation of an elected councilman, Tillie groupies, Bruce, Pallone,  
"nazis," the APP Press, Clearwater, patriots with whom you  disagree, etc.
Where is it written that a Howell resident has a right to be  critical (and 
not be taken to task for his words), but an AP resident  doesn't?
You are a public columnist among other things.  Comments on  what you say 
come with that territory.  And if you can't take the  heat, get out of the 
proverbial kitchen.
It's  your published/posted/blogged  words that haunt  you; own up to them 
and direct your responses to justifying your own "paper"  trail without 
bogeymen who are stalking you.  Daily, every public  figure has to confront 
his or her own previous remarks.  Why should you  be an exception?
You left this group twice because you were pissed by a host of  others here 
who had taken you to task for what they saw as some reckless  remarks.
I left briefly to take a breather and post exclusively at four  other groups 
where posts are moderated. It was the moniker MMM given me here  which I 
accepted with pride and which ironically brought me back, along with  some kind 
private notes like, "You are missed," and from strangers at places  like _Click 
here: Historic  Building Architects_ (  
I am not embarrassed by the content of any of my posts; I do  not feel the 
need to retract any of them, nor have I been asked to do so by  anyone.  But if 
anyone finds some blatant hypocrisy, inconsistency or  untruth, I will address 
what I said without exclusively relying on stock  distractions, sarcasm, 
dismissals, or shooting the messenger.
Would that you could do the same.
"My Country [ and City]  Right or Wrong. When right to be kept  right. When 
wrong, to be set right." 

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