Court of Appeal Rejects Bid to Reopen Scottish Rite Cathedral, Friday,
October 19, 2007

Panel Says Revocation of Occupancy Permit Did Not Violate Masons'
Religious Freedom

Zoning restrictions on the facility's use are not subject to heightened
scrutiny under federal law, the Court of Appeal has ruled.

The opinion by Presiding Justice Dennis Perluss was filed Oct. 3 and
certified for publication Wednesday, Oct. 17.

The cathedral association argued that the city was violating their
rights under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of
2000 (RLUIPA).

Judge Perluss: RLUIPA does not protect non-religious uses of facilities
owned by religious institutions, he said. "Specifically, a burden on a
commercial enterprise used to fund a religious organization does not
constitute a substantial burden on `religious exercise' within the
meaning of RLUIPA," the jurist wrote.

The legislative history and case law in other states, Perluss wrote,
make clear that RLUIPA does not require strict scrutiny of a restriction
on the secular uses of religious organizations' facilities. He cited a
Pennsylvania case in which the state's intermediate appeals court held
that RLUIPA did not protect a church's right to operate a day care
facility because "lack of a daycare only had a de minimis impact on the
Church's opportunity to engage in fundamental religious activities."

Adapted excerpts from:  Click here: EKBTV: Court of Appeal Rejects Bid
to Reopen Scottish Rite Cathedral

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