In a message dated 10/25/2007 5:26:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I haven't been mugged or victim of a violent crime myself (been coming to  
Asbury since '76 or so)

Not have I (since '66).  But I know how important perception  is for our 
business community.  I still remember, back in the 70's,  outsiders talking 
being afraid of Asbury Park because "they" hide up in  the trees and jump down 
to mug you when you're leaving the clubs late at  night.  Such bs  still 
abounds, but it doesn't obviate the need to  tackle the problems we really do 

but I have had the pleasant experience of having several bottles thrown  at 
my car by a group of kids on a street corner one night within the last two  

Here just the unpleasant experience of being approached when  stopped at red 
lights along Grand Ave.  I just wave 'em off with no  problem.  But the 
"bridge and tunnel" folks who were approached and  frightened by the squeegee 
in NYC eventually brought the business  community there to insist that that 
nuisance be stopped.  Without the  hope for a thriving business community here, 
all the talk here is for  naught.

Other than that just the normal stuff of being asked for money by a lot  of 
different panhandlers.  That gets annoying after a while and  considering most 
of us see the same people doing it day in and day out, it  does make me wonder 
why they're allowed to keep doing it in  AP.

You get to know the regulars; over the years many became accepted  by locals. 
Used to be some long time street people here, all actual  natives, who were 
truly helpless and watched over by the community.  But the uptick in new 
panhandlers became quite obvious since JSRM  came on the scene.

I don't think the posters are wrong to want Asbury Park to be a better or  
cleaner place.  

I know it's not wrong.  Pride in community.   Improvements, hopefully to 
benefit all.
And the following comment is so off the wall, it doesn't deserve  comment.
In a message dated 10/25/2007 6:07:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

yeah i  am more concerned about having cameras on loffredo, bruno,
saunders,  johnson, and MY favorite wackjob..zyla, you can throw in
the russell  character, than some crack buyer and purchaser behind some
shady store that  no one with insight and intelligence would  visit.


On Oct 25, 2007, at 4:42 PM, evosap wrote:

i'd  have to see some research on that. i am not against the
surveillance cameras, but i  think people on this list are a little
obsessed. and fearful to the  point of paranoia. i feel like i live
in a different town when i  read what is written here. i ride my bike
all over the place, at night i  feel like i live in a jersey paradise,
great trees, cool buildings  and of course the beach.. 

i would like to hear from one  person on this list who has been a
victim of a violent crime in  AP...doesn't count if you were buying
drugs or  ass!

Cordiali  saluti,


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