Don't know how far it will get you but also approach the Monmouth County Health 
Department---(Air Department)---don't know what the regs are on this

----- Original Message ----
From: lindagriggsartist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:34:20 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: D&L BBQ broke into our yard -draft, letter to Don 

Any comments, corrections, qualifications are greatly appreciated.
Now, I'm going to go to work on approaching the owner. 

Don Sammett
Director of Planning and Redevelopment
Asbury Park City Hall
Fax: 732 502-5738

Dear Don Sammett,

We are writing regarding the vent for the meat smoker at D & L
Barbeque, 1206 Main St. Odors from the smoker vent blow into
residential windows. We believe the vent should be above the roofline
of neighboring houses and apartments. 

1206 Main Street is three stories tall in the front but only one story
tall in the back. The vent is in the back of the building, level with
the windows of second story apartments and the second story windows of
nearby houses, 709 and 709 ½ Fourth Avenue.

During the summer we couldn't open the windows while the meat was
smoking or our curtains, sheets and pillows would smell like barbeque
smoke. Even on beautiful nights we had to close the windows and run
the air conditioner, increasing our utility bill. It cost us money so
they can make money. We don't know yet how the sound and smell will
affect our property values.

When we bought our house at 709 Fourth Avenue, this building housed
The Mercy Center. Prior to that it was a bakery.

Robert Palubinskas sent the fire inspector and fire official regarding
uniform fire code, chapter 3, and they found no problem. Prior to
that Bill Grey inspected the vent and found it working properly. 
Because it had been a bakery he felt the vents were grandfathered in. 

But a meat smoker was not grandfathered in any more than a coffee
roaster would be.
We understand that Americas Cup had to submit plans for approval
before installing its coffee roaster, which vents above the roofline
of the adjacent apartments. 

Asbury Park needs both viable business and stable property values in
order to thrive. We are certain that both can work together and in
this case I'm hoping something as simple as venting above the roofline
will enable that. 

We look forward to your reply.

Linda Griggs and Allen Hansen

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