Anyone know where and when this will take place?  Any speculation as  to 
whether to expect any surprises?  providing local news, sports & classifieds for Northern 
New Jersey!_ 
In Asbury Park, Madison Marquette has bought all three tracts of land on  
which Wesley Grove was slated to be built. As many as 750 condos can be  
constructed on that land, Kushner said. 
Whether that many will be built around Wesley Lake is an open question.  
Mottola said Madison Marquette plans to finish and sell the 91 units started at 
Wesley Grove, and then assess a new building strategy moving forward. A press  
conference is scheduled in Asbury Park for Monday, when Mottola said he will  
outline the company's new plans. 
Despite a slowdown in the nation's residential market and the uncertainty  
surrounding the Esperanza, Mottola said he still has faith Asbury Park's 
 will be a success story. 
"We're confident that when people see our larger plan for Asbury Park, and  
people see the city's commitment to this, and see all the positive things that  
are going to happen here over the next several months, people will believe 
that  it's a great opportunity to buy in Asbury Park now," Mottola  said.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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