hi folks-  

more from the town's token crazy dog person....
long story short: i can't walk dogs every day and, if i don't, some  don't 
get out of their cages. not once, all day and night. 
this is not a sad or upsetting thing to do! it's actually fun and it can be  
very rewarding.  i had three dogs i've been working with adopted in  the last 
3 weeks. that's a great thing. the only bad thing is when they don't  get any 
exercise or interaction in a whole day. THAT'S sad.
you don't have to commit to anything steady. if just a few extra people do  
it every now and then, there wouldn't be a problem--they'd all be walked! 
please think about this, and tell anyone else you think might be  interested. 
just a 1/2 hour walk every now and then would make a huge  difference.
thank you!
chris mccarthy

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