"Another" rock'n'roll museum? Where's the current one? The ephemerae in the 
walls, bars, & tables of the Pony? To the best of my knowledge, the last 
rock'n'roll museum in Asbury closed with the Palace in 1989. 
Some people may consider their tastes too 'refined' for the low or middle brow 
called rock'n'roll, but the simple fact is, along with everything else, 
rock'n'roll has been a major part of AP's cultural landscape. It would be 
extremely foolish, both culturally and economically, not to capitalize on it.
The same thing happened when the former site of the Cavern Club in Liverpool 
was bricked up. The city fathers at the time failed to realize how 
Betales-related tourism was a boon to the local economy, which was in dire need 
of a boost. Since then it was reopened, after a fashion, and thankfully the 
city began opening their eyes and minds to the fact that such music tourism 
could only help, not hurt. 


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