On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> wrote:
> FWIW, I'd suggest
> (defsystem my-package
>  :class rt-testable-system
>  :components .....
> )
> When you do (oos 'test-op 'my-package), the rt-testable-system
> (presumably a subclass of system and rt-testable-mixin) would take care
> of invoking RT to test the system.

That is another approach: instead of creating new operations, creating
new system classes.

> [As an aside, I'm intrigued that you are using RT --- we gave up on it
> eventually because it's state is all global, so that we were never
> comfortable that stuff we set up to test in one system would not clash
> with tests in other systems....]

I do not have any preference for test systems, but RT is used on the
only place I have to run tests: the ECL test suite, which includes the
ANSI test suite, a set of regression tests and two older suites. Since
each of them is ran separately, it really does not matter. However,
the issue of global state can be solved with a couple lines of code --
it was done already in the patches I submitted here.


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