29.12.2016, 07:43, "Faré" <fah...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 11:31 PM, Anton Vodonosov <avodono...@yandex.ru> 
> wrote:
>>  Sorry, didn't have time to re-run with updated libraries yet - plan to do 
>> it in coming days.
>>>  PS: For redirecting the output of subprocesses, you can't just
>>>  redirect a lisp stream; the Lisp process itself must be started with
>>>  its outputs properly redirected. You can start the building Lisp
>>>  process with e.g. (uiop:run-program (lisp-invocation:lisp-invocation
>>>  ...) :output my-logfile-pathname :error-output :output :input nil)
>>  I doubt I will do it soon: I need process ID of the child process, 
>> uiop:run-program doesn't support this.
>>  Also I'm not sure passing output file will work reliably on all platforms.
> You're in luck: ASDF 3.2.0's new uiop:launch-program supports running
> asynchronously and getting the process ID — at least if you run on
> SBCL and other good implementations.

Cool. (I use CCL - is it supported?).
> And you only need that on the master Lisp that launches the other
> subprocesses, so it doesn't have to work on all platforms.

Yes. CCL on various OSes is needed, do you think it will work?
Also, it's desirable the target file to be appended, not overwriten.
Is that possible currently?

> NB: If you're not using it yet, you might be interested in the
> lisp-invocation library.
> —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org
> If this country is worth saving, it's worth saving at a profit. — H. L. Hunt
> This country can only be saved if it can be saved at a profit. — Patri 
> Friedman

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