"Kulp, David" wrote:
> I must admit that there's nothing that's really "it" in CPAN.  A few months
> ago I spent a lot of time looking through the modules that Joshua described
> and never found what I wanted.  I didn't know about phpLens until now, but
> it looks sweet.  Instead, I've been writing some Apache::ASP tags that, if I
> do say so myself, nicely abstract away a lot of the database code.  I'm only
> concerned with view and search (not editting (data entry), which I believe
> to be a separate can of worms for all but the simplest databases).  I hope
> to release it some day.
> The basic idea is
> <dbb:form>
> <dbb:table table="foo" DSN=$DSN />
> </dbb:form>

Sounds pretty cool to me.  I do not have my head around sharing taglibs
like this easily yet, but you might break some ground here if you pursue
this work.  Though flexible the XMLSubsMatch is kind of limiting in that
someone cannot just "register" their XMLSubs namespace on the fly.  If you
did pursue this we could look at how these packages could be easily
installed with CPAN like ease.  If we had enough "standard" extensions
like this, Apache::ASP could be an ever increasingly useful platform.

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

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