I'm resending this. Was the list down a few days? The archives at yahoo
show no messages at all from Feb 9 to Feb 11. Or do messages without
subjects get silently discarded?

/Robert Friberg

Hi All!

I have been sneaking around here for very long, several
years in fact.

I'm preparing for a new major project and have decided to give
Apache::ASP a go. I usually write mod_perl handlers directly or
use Apache::Pxp, my home made embedded perl API. It's similar to
Apache::ASP but has a minimum set of features, basically I just pass the
Apache::Request object as an argument to each page, (which is parsed,
wrapped in a sub and compiled on first call).

A few questions:

   * Im setting up a box from scratch with Redhat Linux 9.0, can anyone
     recommend a stable config to go with? Eg, which perl, which apache,
     which mod_perl etc. I want to avoid the mod_perl 2.0 track.

   * Does Apache::ASP cache output based on $Response->{Expires*} and
     handle If-Modified-Since requests accordingly? If yes, does
     it apply to both caches?

   * After closer reading it seems that caching only applies to
     scripts invoked with $Response->Include(). Is this true?

   * How can a script interact with the xslt output cache? I will need to
     let scripts decide on invocation if the cached data needs to be
     refreshed. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!
!  Robert Friberg          0733-839080
!  Developer/Trainer       perl,java,dotnet,linux,xml,uml,sql,c/c++,vb
!  Ensofus AB              http://www.ensofus.se/
!  Miljö Online AB         http://www.miljo-online.se/

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