A few questions:

   * Im setting up a box from scratch with Redhat Linux 9.0, can anyone
     recommend a stable config to go with? Eg, which perl, which apache,
     which mod_perl etc. I want to avoid the mod_perl 2.0 track.

I have been using the perl 5.6.x series now for production work for quite some time and have no complaints. The 5.8.x series seems to have some UTF8 false warnings, but these seems to be largely managed by using a "use bytes" command. For Apache/mod_perl, just stick with the 1.x series for each, but use the latest.

   * Does Apache::ASP cache output based on $Response->{Expires*} and
     handle If-Modified-Since requests accordingly? If yes, does
     it apply to both caches?

No, Apache::ASP does not cache output internally based on these headers. If you want a system to, I would suggest having a mod_proxy layer in front of the mod_perl server, and turn caching on, so that you have have a normal proxy cache layer caching your responses.

   * After closer reading it seems that caching only applies to
     scripts invoked with $Response->Include(). Is this true?

Yes, and only when explicity enabled with the Cache => 1 flag passed.

   * How can a script interact with the xslt output cache? I will need to
     let scripts decide on invocation if the cached data needs to be
     refreshed. Is this possible?

Easy. The XSLT cache will cache the unique output resulting from a particular XSL + XML combination, so if either the XML output from an ASP script or the XSL output changes, the cache will be updated with tbe new output. There is no control otherwise on the cache behavior except for whether its active or not. I would recommend only using the cache when you have times when both the XML & XSL inputs will be unchanging & you want to accelerate this. Good examples of this are otherwise static pages that do not have things like dynamic timestamps and that kind of thing.



Josh Chamas, Founder    | NodeWorks - http://www.nodeworks.com
Chamas Enterprises Inc. | NodeWorks Directory - http://dir.nodeworks.com
http://www.chamas.com   | Apache::ASP - http://www.apache-asp.org

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