
Say hypothetically that I want a certain block of code to run every 5

Would I...
        a) fork() off a child process in a script loaded up with a
PerlRequire directive in the httpd.conf?

        b) Use $r->register_cleanup(...) to handle the fork()ing and all
that? (kludgy because of forking off a whole new server process)

        c) Simply use a cron job to execute a different script? (But how
would I get the Apache::ASP objects? [$Server/$Session/$Application])

        d) Use a cron job to execute code that sends an http request to
an ASP page on the server? (Even though this works great, it seems wrong

It might not be platform-independent, but it would be nice to spawn a
separate thread (not a fork()ed process) to take care of things.

For Win32 we could use Win32::Process <
http://search.cpan.org/~gsar/libwin32-0.191/Process/Process.pm > on
Windows and Threads or forks <
http://search.cpan.org/~elizabeth/forks-0.15/lib/forks.pm > for
non-windows systems.

I imagine something like my $id = $Server->add_recurring_event( sub{ ...
}, 60*60*5 ); for something to run every 5 minutes.
And $Server->end_recurring_event( $id ); to stop the recurring event
from executing.

Something like JavaScript's window.setInterval("alert('This is an
interval!')", 60*60*5) and window.clearInterval( <id> );

I could use something like this to manage cached database connections,
rotate logs, update a "who's online" list, clean out unused sessions,

If there is already a clean way to do this that I am simply not aware
of, I would like a pointer in the right direction.
And if this is not currently available, I would like to take a stab at
making it available.



John Drago | Chief Architect of Software Development
E-com Media Group, Inc. [www.e-commedia.com] 
 303.790.7940 x25

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