Hi All,

I just installed Apache/2.0.48(W2K Server Dual Proc)mod_perl/1.99_13
Perl existed prior to all the new Apache modules being installed.

Apache was installed using .msi binary.
Mod_Perl was installed using ppm from TheoryX5.
Apache::ASP (2.57) was installed from CPAN mirror.

Mod_Perl is functioning correctly or at least the /perl/printenv.pl is
displaying the environmental variables in the browser.  The Apache manual
and ASP manual links are displaying.

The Apache::ASP documentation indicates to copy the /asp... From the build
directory to the document root and to add directives to the file httpd.conf
(shown below).

Accessing http://localhost/asp/eg is just displaying:
#!/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/asp-perl
[0]%>>   ([0]%>>source)

I know the shebang line doesn't match the host type but I not sure if it
real matters.  According the the FAQ, its likely that Apache::ASP is not
enable, but extra.pl should be loading the Apache modules.  Anyway, the FAQ
leads me back to doing the same things again and I didn't see any solutions
in the archives.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?  I'm in the process of reading
Practical Mod_Perl, so answer may reveal itself, but the book mainly deals
with the 1.x verion of Mod_Perl.

Thanks, Craig
P.S. Why can't I find any references in the documentation for the perl
directives like 'PerlRequire'.  The Perl directives are missing from my

PerlRequire "E:/Apache/Apache2/conf/extra.pl"

<Directory $DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/eg >
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All

Alias /perl/ "/Apache/Apache2/perl/"
<Location /perl>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI
        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

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