Thanks, Josh.

I was under the wrong assumption that $Document_Root was a magic variable
that was getting set based on the 'DOCUMENTROOT' directive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Chamas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 22:34
To: Craig Dayton
Subject: Re: Unable to verify Apache::ASP working on Win32

Craig Dayton wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just installed Apache/2.0.48(W2K Server Dual Proc)mod_perl/1.99_13 
> Perl/v5.8.0. Perl existed prior to all the new Apache modules being 
> installed.
> Apache was installed using .msi binary.
> Mod_Perl was installed using ppm from TheoryX5.
> Apache::ASP (2.57) was installed from CPAN mirror.
> Mod_Perl is functioning correctly or at least the /perl/ is 
> displaying the environmental variables in the browser.  The Apache 
> manual and ASP manual links are displaying.
> The Apache::ASP documentation indicates to copy the /asp... From the 
> build directory to the document root and to add directives to the file 
> httpd.conf (shown below).
> Accessing http://localhost/asp/eg is just displaying: #!/usr/bin/perl 
> /usr/bin/asp-perl
> [0]%>>   ([0]%>>source)

 From you need to add:

   <Directory $DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/eg >
     Options FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride All

to your httpd.conf.  This will enable the .htaccess file in /asp/eg that has
the relevant configuration params.  If there isn't the .htaccess file, you
have a problem.

You said you added this...

> <Directory $DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/eg >
>     Options FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride All
> </Directory>

But $DOCUMENT_ROOT needs to be a real file path to your Apache DocumentRoot
that you copied the files to.  Its probably something like c:/Apache/htdocs
or some such, so the real final path might be c:/Apache/htdocs/asp/eg


Josh Chamas, Founder    | NodeWorks -
Chamas Enterprises Inc. | NodeWorks Directory -   | Apache::ASP -

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