If anyone is interested,
tml/frlrfSystemWebUI.asp?frame=true is the msdn section dealing with the
System.Web.UI namespace.

My guess is that 80% of what's there is unnecessary to get the desired
functionality.  By chance or fate, 80% of what's there has no place in a
perl implementation of similar functionality, because of the tools
already available within perl.

I figure we would need to emulate the functionality of: System.Web.UI
(as a base class, and defining certain constants).

o  System.Web.UI.Control (base class, inherited by all default and
custom controls).

o  System.Web.UI.ControlCollection (this functionality could be rolled
into System.Web.UI.Control).

o  System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler & IPostBackEventHandler
(inheritable interface that allows controls to handle how their postback
data is handled).

o  System.Web.UI.Page (represents an .aspx file, and is used as a base
class when creating a web forms class in codebehind mode).

o  System.Web.UI.PageParser (parses .aspx files).

o  System.Web.UI.TemplateBuilder (supports the PageParser in building a
template and the child controls it contains).

o  System.Web.UI.TemplateControl (inheritable base class.  Provides the
Page class and UserControl class a base set of functionality).

o  System.Web.UI.UserControl (represents an .ascx file which implements
and/or extends the TemplateControl class to produce some functionality
or html).

o  System.Web.UI.UserControlControlBuilder (Does a recursive descent
into the sub-controls contained within a UserControl, building them as
it goes, so that UserControls can contain other controls inside them).


Let me make myself clear.  I do not want to duplicate the entire ASP.NET
thing in perl.  I merely wish to skim the good stuff off the top and
move along.  In fact, there's more I dislike about ASP.NET than there is
I *do* like about it.  However, I recognize some things there that could
save me loads of time on a large-scale project.

Mason has some similar functionality with its *.mas components
http://www.masonbook.com/book/chapter-1.mhtml#TOC-ANCHOR-3 but lacks the
PostBack way of dealing with round-trip forms (as with server-side form
validation).  It also lacks the built-in ability to do things like
append listitems to a <select> tag.


John Drago | Chief Architect of Software Development
E-com Media Group, Inc. [www.e-commedia.com] 
 303.790.7940 x25

E - b u s i n e s s   w i t h   D i m e n s i o n TM

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Josh Chamas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 5:19 PM
| Subject: Re: .NET-style components and development
| John Drago wrote:
| >
| > What I want to do would look something like so:
| > ---------------------------------------------------------------
| > [listbox.asp]
| >
| > <asp:listbox id="list1">
| >     <asp:listitem>Select One</asp:listitem>
| > </asp:listbox>
| >
| > <%
| >   # Dynamically add items to the list before it's rendered:
| >   $Page->list1->Items->add(
| >     asp::listitem->new( Value => "1", Text => "Blue" ) );
| >   $Page->list1->Items->add(
| >     asp::listitem->new( Value => "2", Text => "Red" ) );
| >
| >   # or, iterate through items within the listbox:
| >   foreach my $item ( $Page->list1->Items )
| >   {
| >     if( $item->Value == 1 )
| >     {
| >       $item->Text = "Blue [this is my favorite...isn't it yours?]";
| >     }# end if()
| >   }# end foreach()
| >
| > %>
| > ---------------------------------------------------------------
| >
| > Something tells me that this isn't too far away from what we already

| > have with Apache::ASP...that with some extra methods inherited from 
| > a package subclassed by asp::listbox and asp::listitem, it is 100% 
| > possible.
| >
| > I would need some help with where to bless the $Page object into the

| > namespace the ASP pages are executed in.
| >
| If you set up a $List object in global.asa, it will be seen in 
| includes and scripts, but not in the scope of the XMLSubs packages.  
| So you might create it in the main package to reference from like 
| this:
| # global.asa
| use vars qw($List);
| sub Script_OnStart {
|      $List = $main::List = List->new();
| }
| sub Script_OnEnd {
|      $List->can('DESTROY') && $List->DESTROY;
|      $List = $main::List = undef;
| }
| Then in the script, you can:
|   <%
|     $List->->add('list1',
|       ListItem->new( Value => "1", Text => "Blue" )
|     );
|   %>
| And then you can:
|   <asp:listbox id="list1">
|       <asp:listitem>Select One</asp:listitem>
|   </asp:listbox>
| And have XMLSubs defined to handle asp:listbox & asp:listitem 
| properly, looking at the $main::List object.
| If you really want to build objects through code though, you might 
| check out CGI.pm, which has plenty of methods for doing exactly this.

| Output from a CGI.pm object should be compatible with Apache::ASP.
| > Apache::ASP does *almost* everything I want it to do, and this kind 
| > of extension would make it a lot more powerful in my opinion.
| What is the extension in particular that you are looking for? Is there

| something particular about <asp:listbox /> handling that you like in 
| ASP.NET that you want implemented as is?  Particularly what features 
| of ASP.NET do you think should make it into Apache::ASP ?
| Regards,
| Josh
| Josh Chamas, Founder    | NodeWorks - http://www.nodeworks.com
| Chamas Enterprises Inc. | NodeWorks Directory -
| http://www.chamas.com   | Apache::ASP - http://www.apache-asp.org
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