John Drago wrote:
I have put together a rough, working example of a parser that could grow
to support this ASP.NET-style development we've been talking about.

I can post what I have, but it's only about 50 lines and wouldn't help
anyone much.  Another couple weeks of free time on this project should
yield more progress.

The parser I have written works for the following code.

---- test.aspx -----
<%@ Register prefix="test" class="MyLibs::ASP::Test" %>
  <test:header id="hd1" runat="server" arg1="foo" stuff="bar">
    <test:hlink runat="server" id="bob">Click Me.</test:hlink>

I really like the idea of a <% Register %> type directive. Is this from .Net specifically, or are you just making this up for the purpose of getting XMLSubs extended? If we are just making it up, we might borrow a standard syntax for this from JSP taglibs or some such.

I would like to enable something like this though, and if we
could get the idea hammered out, I could get you an extension
for Apache::ASP that makes this work.



Josh Chamas, Founder    | NodeWorks -
Chamas Enterprises Inc. | NodeWorks Directory -   | Apache::ASP -

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