Support wrote:
I am trying to get ASP working under my cPanel/WHM linux server. I've installed Apache::ASP perl module via CPAN install and the module install went ok without giving any errors. However when I run the test asp file, it didn't work. When I check the server, I found out that mod_perl is not installed yet.

Honestly if you want to continue to work with your cPanel supported
server, I would not mess with it, unless you are willing to do a lot
of extra work.

Now if this is an Apache 2 server, it may not be so bad to compile
in mod_perl, and drop it in as a DSO and go from there.  But would
not do a Apache 1.3.x static type mod_perl compile with your cPanel
server, just configuration headaches.

So, I tried to install mod_perl and fetch the latet mod_perl. Upon installing of the mod_perl manually, it is asking for the src directory of the apache and also asking for whether it can install httpd in that src folder. I canceld the installation at this stage (only two questions of the src location and whether it can install httpd in that src directory).

For building & installing mod_perl, you should really direct questions
to the mod_perl list.  The INSTALL instructions for mod_perl 2 are pretty clear
in the source download.

Please let me know how do I install mod_perl without affecting the operations of the current cPanel/WHM and it's later update/upgrade functions.

Right, don't count on it.

One thing to consider is setting up a server on a high port running mod_perl,
and then doing a ProxyPass to it for certain URLs like /perl/ etc.

Another thing to consider is using the asp-perl script in CGI mode to
run Apache::ASP scripts.  This does not require mod_perl but is much slower.
For more on this topic, please see:



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