Hi D.L.,

just an idea - try to add a "name" attribute to the
"input" elements instaed of / in addition to the
"id" attributes.


D. L. Fox schrieb:

Joshua Chamas wrote:

The problem seems to be what the browser is sending, since on the
server side its not seeing any content uploaded from the form:

I thought it might be something with Firefox so I tried it with IE, Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera all with the same results.

So maybe the HTML itself is not correct, but honestly it looked
fine to me.

I wondered if the HTML might have something to do with it but it validates as strict per the W3C, so I'm not sure what to think.

Maybe also a chance that the apache server + mod_perl is too old
and you should upgrade.  The mod_perl version is pretty old
at this point.

I wish I had that option. This is a hosted site, unlike before when I normally ran things on my own stuff. I have been searching for another host provider anyway. I am no longer satisfied with my current one. They don't seem to stay up-to-date with their software, and they change things which will break your site without telling you.

The main reason I chose this provider was because they had Apache::ASP. Now I need to find another host account with Apache::ASP. Is there a list of providers using Apache::ASP somewhere?

I've been looking through the many lists of providers on the 'Net but it's difficult to search on Apache::ASP because it always turns up MS-ASP or Chili. I can program in VB just fine but would *much* rather use Apache::ASP and Perl.

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