Hello folks,
I am in need of some expert guidance. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place
though so please point me in the right direction if not. In this case sorry
to take up your time.
I had Apache 2.2 with ActicePerl and VHOSTS working satisfactorily
[I think] until I installed ASP 2.55 via the PPM GUI  utility on WinXP-Home.
After copying the C:\Perl\eg\IEExamples directory to my C:\Program
Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\asp\eg folder and making
the config for ASP changes to httpd.conf the ASP seemed to work OK when
accessed by http://localhost/asp/eg.

So I then copied the C:\Perl\eg\IEExamples directory to my C:\Program
Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\iansthtdocs\asp\eg the DocRoot
for my first VHOST and placing the ASP config parameters into an .htaccess
file in C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\iansthtdocs\asp to serve ASP documents they don't work
on the VHOST when I access them as http://petes.xxxx.net/asp/...

I have checked and double checked the config for ASP and Apache VHOSTS but I
can't spot anything obvious.
Has anyone else had similar woes? Indeed has anyone used ASP with VHOSTS

Any help would be gratefully recieved.

Ian t
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