
I have problem running one site using Apache::ASP,

errors from apache log:
[Mon Sep 22 21:48:07 2008] [error] [asp] [9930] [debug] Bareword found where ope rator expected at /var/www/gptgruppe/_proced.asp line 4, near ") <--> \tUrl" <--
[Mon Sep 22 21:48:07 2008] [error] [asp] [9930] [debug] \t(Missing operator befo
re Url?) <-->
[Mon Sep 22 21:48:07 2008] [error] [asp] [9930] [debug] Bareword found where ope rator expected at /var/www/gptgruppe/_proced.asp line 5, near ") <--> \tIf" <-->

[Mon Sep 22 21:48:07 2008] [error] [asp] [9930] [debug] \t(Missing operator befo
re If?) <-->
[Mon Sep 22 21:48:07 2008] [error] [asp] [9930] [debug] Bareword found where ope rator expected at /var/www/gptgruppe/_proced.asp line 20, near "If" <--> (Migh
t be a runaway multi-line '' string starting on line 6) <-->

the _proced.asp script consist of few functions:
like this:


Function HrF (Link, Alt, Group)
       Url = Request.ServerVariables ("URL")
       If Url = "/" & Link  Or Url = "/gptgruppe/" & Link Then
       'If InStr(Url, Left(Link, 5)) <> 0 Then
               HrF = "<div class=Dmenu><span>" & Alt & "</span></div>"
               HrF = "<div class=Dmenu><a href=" & Link & ""
if isNumeric(group) then HrF = HrF & " onclick=""doSwitchGroup(" & Group & ");"" "
               HrF = HrF & ">" & Alt & "</a></div>"
       End If
End Function

Is it possible to fix it.. ??

Best regards

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