On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 09:18:21AM -0800, Skylos wrote:
> Apache::Asp caches subroutine compiles within processes.
> Kill all running apache processes to delete their cache.  (you don't
> strictly have to restart to do this (killing workers and letting apache
> restart them works too) but its easier)
> It works when it hits one that loaded the module version that has the
> method.
> It doesn't work when it hits one that loaded the module version that doesn't
> have the method.
> I restart apache obsessively when modifying and testing modules for exactly
> this reason.
> You can also ameliorate this problem by lowering the number of requests a
> process handles before restarting, at the expense of cache hits.
Thing is that this is happening to me on a production setup.  I am not
changing anything.  Even completely stopping Apache and starting it
fresh does not alleviate the problem.  Something really strange is that
when I serve the content from a DocumentRoot of /srv/http/example, I
*never* get the error.  However, when I use a DocumentRoot of
/srv/http/www.example.com, I do get the error from intermittently to



Roberto C. Sánchez

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