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On 17/07/2015 10:16 PM, Cris Boisvert wrote:

Trying to get apache with asp and mod perl working.

seems to be all installed.. although when I put in the test.asp page(see below) I get this error in the logs.

[asp] [1349] [error] error compiling test.asp: Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at /var/www/site/test.asp line 16, at EOF <--> , /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ASP.pm line 1466

Been digging around and can't see to find any direction to go ... any debug advice would be greatly appreciated.

Since you've installed mod_perl and Apache::ASP, you should try writing some perl code. I've modified your code below but obviously there is much to be done differently in Perl vs VBScript.


Best Regards,
Thanos Chatziathanassiou


  <% use strict; %>

<!--- This page should display "ASP is working!" --->

  <!--- if ASP is available to you. --->



      <TITLE>ASP Test Page</TITLE>



      <% my $TestString = "ASP is Working!"; %>


        <% $Response->Write($TestString); %>





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