Awesome!  Great work, Andy & Alexander!  I'm looking forward to perusing the 
new layout.

Now, if we can **just** get AspectKotlin going... 😊

> On Jun 28, 2021, at 4:00 PM, Andy Clement <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm pleased to announce AspectJ 1.9.7 is released.
> To read more about the enhancements (like Java 15 and 16 support), take a 
> look at the readme here 
> <>.
> The most serious change in 1.9.7 is actually to the project infrastructure. I 
> want to thank Alexander Kriegisch who has spent a significant amount of 
> effort on AspectJ 1.9.7 bringing it into the 21st century and making the 
> repository more approachable for new developers. This includes tackling 
> perhaps the most difficult problem which is how we manage the patch we make 
> to the Eclipse Compiler for Java in order to add AspectJ support. Rather than 
> a manually patched repo that was dropped as a binary into AspectJ, the 
> patched JDT Core is now a project in its own right: 
> <>. This repo can now be 
> kept up to date via regular git commands, and is now consumed as a proper 
> dependency by AspectJ.
> If you want to get to grips with developing AspectJ, I encourage you to 
> checkout the repository readme 
> <>.
> We are also now all in on GitHub. With 1.9.7 AspectJ is not a mirror of an 
> eclipse git repository, it is now a real repository against which pull 
> requests can be filed and processed. As part of this move we are also fully 
> embracing GitHub issues (rather than bugzilla) - so please raise anything at 
> GitHub in the future.
> You can grab the standalone installer from the AspectJ releases page at 
> GitHub:
> <>
> And finally, the release is up at maven central !
> Enjoy!
> The AspectJ Team
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