>>Is the native Aspell/WIN32 port supposed to be a lot faster than simply 
invoking aspell via a batch file?  If it is faster, is the time savings 
mainly due to not having to "compile" the perl code every time it's 
invoked?  Is my question making sense?  Every time I call aspell (either 
in a command prompt or from a cobol application on windows), it takes at 
least 10 seconds just to present the interface and I am using pretty 
good hardware.

Reading in the reference word list takes a long time, when you call aspell from 
Slowlyness has nothing to do with perl code and the like.

To make it fast, create a spell class once, and then simply just use the query 
interface at any time, you want to get a word checked. That is how word 
programs work.

In C++ this would look:
 1. create the spelling class using the name of the word list.
 2...n: query the word for correctness.

There is also a nice perl interface program for aspell in cpan

Working with that you will understand the aspell programming interface.


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