Umesh wrote initially like this:

Subject: [Assam] Info on Study Abroad needed - globalization
>Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 22:54:29 +0100 (BST)
>I have applied to a position for setting up a Study Abroad program at an 
>instituition of Higher education. Right now I am trying to get a feel of 
>the study abroad programs running in various univs here - and the attitudes 
>of the students .
>It seems all univs incl Harvard Univ. to Montgomery Community College - 
>wish to make their students more globally aware -since if you are the 
>richest you don't look out for new avenues or seek new pastures. Indians , 
>Chinese etc have followed the footsteps of Japanese - to seek benefits of 
>globalization - having been fed images of the "glorius West" from Hollywood 
>films, newsreports etc. US kids have been receving few and negative images 
>of the developing world - and most do not want to go abroad to seek new 
>pastures. They do not want go to India or China and start a new life there 
>- for instance. Or to work with Indian Bio Tech firms to develop their 
>expertize - Indian Bio-tech firms are second after US ones in getting 
>global patents -as per reports.
>If someone could get me more details about the costs, travel safety, stay 
>and curriculum for such Study Abroad programs I'll be grateful.
None of us added ideas to his glorious mission:

Can we revert to this cause and ask Umesh to continue and go to the 
offensive thus:

He should ask each Indian State to IMMEDIATELY build,advertize collectively 
worldwide at  First world Campus magazines:

  "Graduating soon?
If you expose yourself to a Different Hospitable world in an Indian Academia 
for 6 months ,you will be enriched and not be late to repay your Study loan. 
We will make your stay in any Indian Academy City most unforgettable. Be our 
guest-all inclusive. Just bring your brain. Take it back enriched. Leave 
behind a little bit of it into a thousand new Friends'  "

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