Dear All, I posted this inhand experience and observation so that we end up with a fruitful discussion on the bangladeshi issue. But I am really surprised to see that most of you have deviated from the central issue of the mail. When I said that our river islands are gone, I meant that apart from our mainland, our river islands too have gone to bangladeshi immigrants. Instead of discussing the bangladeshi problem which I feel is the mother of all problems in Assam, you guys ended up discussing about Majuli,Brahmaputra,river linking, RIL and what not. Think of it guys, it is this very attitude towards the bangladeshi issue which makes it today the most biggest threat to our assamese race. I dont care if Majuli is an island or not, I dont care about river linking. What I care about is that bangladeshi votes are the deciding factor in 26 assembly constituencies in Assam. If a true picture of the voter list is prepared ,we all assamese are a minority in Assam. Just think about it guys.  Anupam Rajkhowa

Anupom Rajkhowa

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